Sunday, August 19, 2012

Where God's presence is shown through good friends

What a week! This last week was the first week of school and we survived almost hiccup free! I have 13 students and they are so much fun. They all have precious accents and speak fairly good English. They absolutely love and excel in math, science, and Bible. Reading and writing is difficult for them because of the language barrier, so that will be a huge thing we will be working on this year. It is so crazy being a real teacher. This is the absolute best school I could possibly imagine working for. They truly believe that Guatemala will one day be changed because of these kids and we all work for that. It is amazing having a united goal educationally and spiritually. I spoke with my boss for almost an hour in her office the other day just about life and what God's teaching us. What a blessing I get to do that with my principal! 

These are some of the teachers on the first day of school at our bus stop. Don't worry I changed shoes once I got to school.
Yesterday, my three close friends, Liz, Devin, Sean, and I all travelled to las Fuentes Georginas, which are some hot springs about thirty minutes away. We travelled on a chicken bus and then paid a man to drive us up to the top of the mountain. We happened to discover a waterfall with nobody else there. It was a GORGEOUS set up. The waterfall was cold water, but the natural springs were right next to it and were perfect hot tubbing temperatures. We explored, hiked, swam, and as usual laughed a lot. We ate lunch next to the steamy spring and it kinda reminded us all of a scene from Jurassic Park. On the way home we rode in the back of a pick up truck and had a total blast. 

This was our hot spring we had all to ourselves!
That building is where we ate lunch!
Devin, Sean, me, and Liz in front of the waterfall next to our hot springs.
The four of us driving down the mountain in the back of the truck. Don't worry mom and Gramma, it's legal here.
Many people have been asking me how I've been doing. I'm still doing great! I'm still just in awe that I'm here. God has just grabbed hold of me and been taking such good care of me. Some of my biggest fears in coming down here have been instantly taken away. Fears of finding friends, finding a church, finding community, and of how teaching would be. I know that I'm not even three weeks in, but I am still stoked and honored to be here. I have made some incredible friends. We discussed yesterday how crazy it is that we've only known each other a couple of weeks. I know that it's not if the hard times will come, but when. I know I will get home sick eventually, but I will never stop being grateful that God has planned this life for me. God has given me an extraordinary life here. Please pray for my students and that I would love them WELL every minute of everyday. I'm already getting to have dinner at one of my student's family's restaurants tonight--how sweet is that?!?


  1. Jessica,
    I just finished reading all of your blogs and have enjoyed reading about this path God has placed you on. I love your enthusiasm and willingness - it shows in your writing! Thanks for posting the pictures and the explanations.

    Your students are blessed to have you as their teacher, and yes, you will learn just as much from them as they will from you. What an exciting year this will be!

    Mrs. Stowe

  2. Hey sister! oh my goodness! it is so fun you have this opportunity! i am so happy for you and have been praying for you in every time i think of you.(which is pretty much all the time!) i miss you like crazy, but i know God has made this opportunity for you. you're such an amazing sister and am so incredibly thankful to have you as a sister! i know that you have had this dream to teach over seas ever since freshman year of high school! God has brought you a long way and i am so happy you got to pursue that dream after 8 years! that is so awesome! i love you sooooooo much and hope you have a great rest of the year!!! and cant wait to see you at christmas!

    with all love, your little sister:) karis ellsworth a.k.a booger nugget;) p.s. it is true that you never know what you have until you loose it. or in this case moved away. love u
